
Account validation


There are currently 9.4M+ registered users on My5. With the acquisition of the platform by Paramount, these accounts will be migrated over to a new system. However, not all accounts will be accepted with the validation rules on the new platform. We are in a position where not all of My5’s user accounts will be moved across when they migrate.


There is a need for users to update their email address. When they first logon to desktop, iOS it’s optional and will not block them but will present them with a notification for every session.


How do we prompt already signed-in users that their email address is an incorrect format and they need to update it? User’s shouldn’t know that my5 are migrating systems but should be aware that they will lose access soon if they do not.


It was important that the notification acted as a nudge to update the email address rather than notifying them that My5 was migrating platforms.

To achieve this I looked at using subtle nuances within the messaging of a popup modal. This was explored in discovery with the My5 product team and we arrived at the below user journey flow.

Discussed feasibility with team.. ✔️

After presenting my ideas to engineering and the My5 product managers, the team explained that having an additional success screen for step 2.4 was overzealous for this experience and so I decided on incorporating a snack bar that would animate over the settings screen to notify the user there account had been updated.

Put finishing touches together... and did my handoff! ✋



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